Qt Game Development
I've successfully used Codeblocks+MinGW+Blender+OpenGL. Here's my attempt to get Qt+OpenGL+Blender to work. This page is not really meant as a tutorial but more of a reference guide for me. If it helps you, Great...
Qt Day 1 - Getting Started
- Download Qt - This all-in-one download includes the MinGW compiler, the Qt Creator Integrated Development Environment (IDE) similar to Codeblocks or Eclipse, and many examples, demos and tutorials.
- The download and install took a while.
- Tried many of the tutorials. Qt seems pretty impressive.
Qt Day 2 - Create a Project
- I couldn't find a button in Qt Creator that would duplicate button. I had hoped to just clone a tutorial into my workspace. So I did the following steps manually, it wasn't too bad.
- Copy+Paste tutorial folder from either the demos or examples directory. I chose C:\Qt\2010.05\qt\examples\opengl\hellogl
- Copy+Paste opengl\share folder too. This is needed for the hellogl example.
- Delete hellogl.pro.user.
- Edit hellogl.pro - I commented out everything below QT += opengl, this includes target.path, sources.files, sources.path, INSTALLS and symbian.
- Open the project in Qt Creator